Special Thanks

To my professors, François Bourgaux, François Therasse, Alexandre Tournay, Philippe Thronte, Olivier Di Stefano. I want to thank all my professors for the support and the encouragement along the way but also for teaching me valuable skills during my time in Haute École Albert Jacquard. I will leave this school a better designer.

To my classmates, Joachim Minnella, Marie-Josephine Cuvelier, Arthur Haufroid, Maryline Brouwer. I want to thank you for all the support and advices you gave me. We overcame the challenges we faced due to the pandemic and I'm proud of us.

To my brother, Joji Moreau. I want to thank you for your patience and for encouraging me thinking outside the box.

To my friends, Elora Coutellier, Maurane Marez, Guillaume Arnould, who had the patience to correct all the texts in English and have a second look at my case studies articles.